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2009-05-01 22:30:36|  分类: 数独 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1.2 Hidden Single in box
1.5 Hidden Single in line
1.7 Direct Pointing
2.0 Direct Hidden Pair
2.3 Naked Single
2.5 Direct Hidden Triplet
2.6 Pointing
2.8 Claiming
3.0 Naked Pair
3.2 X-Wing
3.4 Hidden Pair
3.6 Naked Triplet
3.8 Swordfish
4.0 Hidden Triplet
4.2 XY-Wing
4.4 XYZ-Wing
4.5 UR Types 1, 2, 4
4.5 UR Type 3 with hidden pair
4.6 UR Type 3 with naked pair
4.6 UR Type 3 with hidden triplet
4.7 UR Type 3 with naked triplet
4.7 UR Type 3 with hidden quad
4.8 UR Type 3 with naked quad
4.6 UL Types 1, 2, 4 (6 cells)
4.7 UL Types 1, 2, 4 (8 cells)
5.0 UL Types 1, 2, 4 (10 cells)            ...can be 4.8
5.0 UL Types 1, 2, 4 (12 cells)            ...can be 4.9
5.0 UL Types 1, 2, 4 (14 cells)           
5.0 UL Types 1, 2, 4 (16 cells)            ...can be 5.1
4.6 UL Type 3 with hidden pair (6 cells)
4.7 UL Type 3 with hidden pair (8 cells)
4.69 UL Type 3 with hidden triplet (6 cells)
4.8 UL Type 3 with hidden triplet (8 cells)
4.8 UL Type 3 with hidden quad (6 cells)
4.9 UL Type 3 with hidden quad (8 cells)
4.69 UL Type 3 with naked pair (6 cells)
4.8 UL Type 3 with naked pair (8 cells)
5.1 UL Type 3 with naked pair (10 cells)            ...can be 4.9
5.1 UL Type 3 with naked pair (12 cells)            ...can be 5.0
4.8 UL Type 3 with naked triplet (6 cells)
4.9 UL Type 3 with naked triplet (8 cells)
4.89 UL Type 3 with naked quad (6 cells)
?.? UL Type 3 with naked quad (8 cells)            ...might be 5.0?
5.0 Naked Quad
5.2 Jellyfish
5.4 Hidden Quad
5.6 Bivalue Universal Graves Type 1
5.7 Bivalue Universal Graves Type 2
5.7 Bivalue Universal Graves Type 4
5.8 Bivalue Universal Graves Type 3 with naked pair
5.9 Bivalue Universal Graves Type 3 with naked triplet
6.0 Bivalue Universal Graves Type 3 with naked quad
6.1 Bivalue Universal Graves Type 3 with naked set(5)
6.2 Aligned Pair Exclusion
6.5 Bidirectional X-Cycle (6 cells)
6.6 Bidirectional X-Cycle (8 cells)
6.6 Turbot Fish
6.6 Forcing X-chain (5-6 nodes)
6.69 Forcing X-Chain (7-8 nodes)
6.8 Forcing X-Chain (9-12 nodes)
6.9 Forcing X-Chain (13-16 nodes)
6.5 Bidirectional Y-cycle (3 cells)
6.6 Bidirectional Y-cycle (4 cells)
6.7 Bidirectional Y-cycle (5 cells)
6.8 Bidirectional Y-cycle (6-7 cells)
6.9 Bidirectional Y-cycle (8-9 cells)
7.0 Bidirectional Y-cycle (10-13 cells)
7.0 Bidirectional Cycle (6 nodes)
7.1 Bidirectional Cycle (8 nodes)
7.2 Bidirectional Cycle (10 nodes)
7.3 Bidirectional Cycle (12 nodes)
7.0 Forcing Chain (5 nodes)
7.1 Forcing Chain (7 nodes)
7.2 Forcing Chain (9 nodes)
7.3 Forcing Chain (11-13 nodes)
7.4 Forcing Chain (15-17 nodes)
7.5 Forcing Chain (19-25 nodes)
7.6 Forcing Chain (27-more nodes)
7.5 Aligned Triplet Exclusion
7.6 Nishio Forcing Chain (5-6 nodes)
7.7 Nishio Forcing Chain (7-8 nodes)
7.8 Nishio Forcing Chain (9-12 nodes)
7.9 Nishio Forcing Chain (13-16 nodes)
8.0 Nishio Forcing Chain (17-24 nodes)
8.1 Nishio Forcing Chain (25-36 nodes)
8.2 Multiple (7-8 nodes) Region Forcing Chains
8.3 Multiple (9-12 nodes) Cell/Region Forcing Chains
8.4 Multiple (13-16 nodes) Cell/Region Forcing Chains
8.5 Multiple (17-24 nodes) Cell/Region Forcing Chains
8.6 Multiple (25-36 nodes) Cell/Region Forcing Chains
8.6 Dynamic (5-6 nodes) Cell/Region Forcing Chains
8.7 Dynamic (7-8 nodes) Cell/Region Forcing Chains
8.8 Dynamic (9-12 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
8.9 Dynamic (13-16 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.0 Dynamic (17-24 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.1 Dynamic (25-36 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.2 Dynamic (37-48 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.3 Dynamic (49-72 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.4 Dynamic (73-96 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.3 Dynamic + (9-12 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.4 Dynamic + (13-16 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.5 Dynamic + (17-24 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.6 Dynamic + (25-36 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.7 Dynamic + (37-48 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.8 Dynamic + (49-72 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
9.9 Dynamic + (73-96 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.0 Dynamic + (97-144 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.1 Dynamic + (145-192 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.0 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (17-24 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.1 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (25-36 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.2 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (37-48 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.3 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (49-72 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.4 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (73-96 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.5 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (97-144 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.6 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (145-192 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.7 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (193-288 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.8 Dynamic + Forcing Chains (289-384 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
10.9 Dynamic + Multiple Forcing Chains (73-96 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.0 Dynamic + Multiple Forcing Chains (97-144 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.1 Dynamic + Multiple Forcing Chains (145-192 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.2 Dynamic + Multiple Forcing Chains (193-288 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.3 Dynamic + Multiple Forcing Chains (289-384 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.4 Dynamic + Multiple Forcing Chains (385-576 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.4 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (73-96 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.5 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (97-144 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.6 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (145-192 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.7 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (193-288 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.8 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing
11.5 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (97-144 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.6 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (145-192 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.7 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (193-288 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.8 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (289-384 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
11.9 Dynamic + Dynamic Forcing Chains (385-576 nodes) CRCD Forcing Chains
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